Latest Alerts

Good evening, Reports to Police were made on the 22nd March, due to 2 unknown males wearing face c...

Recent Burglary
There has been a recent Burglary in your area which happened between 15/03/2025 at 00:00 and 15/03/2...

Mobility Scooter Security
Dear Resident In the South Shore area today we have had 3 mobility scooters taken by youths, a...

Motorbike and quad nuisance
Motorbike and quad nuisanceOperation PropulsionIllegal motorcycles and riders can pose a real danger...

Motorbike Theft - WILSON STREET CLITHEROE- 22/03/2025
Good afternoon, Yesterday 22/03/2025 between 11:00hrs and 18:00hrs a CFMOTO, 300 CL-X motorbike i...

Community Road Watch
Afternoon, Concerns have been raised regarding speeding, on Highland Brow Galgate, by local reside...

Engagement cancelled
Hello, A message was sent earlier about a community engagement in Worsthorne at 3pm. Unfortunately...

Local, interesting and relevant
Dear Residents We have read from your survey responses that dog fouling and road safety are the top ...

7227 - Meet and Greet : Sun 23 Mar 15:00
{ENGAGEMENT --7227 - Meet and Greet-- [159650]} Hello! Myself and my colleague PCSO 7689 Dodd will...

Love Clean Streets
All, This is a Burnley wide message. I seldom do messages outside my ward area but its a g...

Drug Dealing
Good Afternoon, There have been reports of drug dealing/Taking within your area. Please can I as...

Good afternoon, We are asking residents to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activity a...

Crime prevention tips - Vehicle Crime
Evening Resident, Just a quick one from me, I don't normally cover the Great Harwood area, how...

Vehicle crime in your area - NEWTON STREET
Afternoon Resident, You're receiving this email to inform you about recent activity within you...

Vehicle crime in your area!
Hello Resident, You're receiving this email to inform you about recent activity within your ar...

Welcome to the new users
Good Afternoon, Welcome to our new members of stay in the know, it was great to meet you today and i...

St Helen's Church 27/03/2025 @10-11:30hrs
Good afternoon, Just a quick message to let you know that once again your neighbourhood officers,...

Disqualified Driver
Hi Residents, Today whilst patrolling through Whitworth, we have stopped a vehicle being driven by...

Disqualified Driver
Hi Residents, Today whilst patrolling through Whitworth, we have stopped a vehicle being driven by...

Vehicle Crime
Good evening, I would like to make you aware that on 18/03/2025 between the hours of 16:30 - 21:30...