The Police
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Welcome to the new users

Good Afternoon,

Welcome to our new members of stay in the know, it was great to meet you today and i was able to introduce you to our neighbourhood alert system.

If you have any issues please don't hesitate to contact us.

You can use the Stay in the know or you can contact me on  my mobile Tel number 07790 970 878 or alternatively email me on 7356@lancashire.police.uk.

If your call is urgent or i'm not answering my phone due to being on days off please contact 101 or 999 as the issue you are contacting us demands


Kind Regards


Pcso 7356 Heidi Kirkbright

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Message Sent By
Heidi Kirkbright
(Police, Pcso, Whitworth shawforth Facit Healey)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials