Latest Alerts

Free bike security marking Saturday 29th March
Good evening We will be holding a free bike security marking session this Saturday 29th March at K...

Free bike security marking Saturday 29th March
Good evening We will be holding a free bike security marking session this Saturday 29th March at K...

Criminal damage
Good afternoon, We have received a report of a window on a property being smashed on Marine Avenue...

Shed Breaks - Ellerbeck Rd & Queenborough Rd
Hi Resident There have been two breaks to sheds on Ellerbeck & two on Queensborough Road on ...

Gannow Community Centre
Hello Residents I will be attending Gannow community centre, Adamson Street tomorrow, (Wed 26) aro...

Trading standards product seizures
Officers from Wyre Neighbourhood Team have been working in collaboration with trading standards and ...

Recent Speeding Operations
Hi Residents, Recently, we have conducted a number of speeding operations along Burnley Road, Ross...

Joint drop-in with Fire Service
Neighbourhood officers at Longridge will be back at a drop-in session this month. This will be held ...

Op Vulture
Good afternoon, Neighbourhood officers will be in the mobile community police vehicle visiting diff...

Op-Centurion Tackling Anti-Social Behavior
Your local neighbourhood policing team are out and about in Morecambe Town Centre today tackling ant...

Police Activity
Good Afternoon, You may have noticed an increase in Police presence in the area, this message will...

Arson - Plantation St
Hi Resident Yesterday evening just before 7pm youths have dragged a wheelie bin on Plantation St...

Op Vulture
Good afternoon, Neighbourhood officers will be in the community mobile police station today visiting...

Bike Seized
The local community of Shakespeare Terrace, Chorley have raised concerns regarding the use of motorc...

Drop-in Surgery - Skelmersdale Library
Good afternoon Resident! On Saturday 5th April, you can pop in to our Drop-in Police Surgery a...

Dog Fouling
Our team acknowledges that dog fouling is one of the top priorities for your community and we want t...

Theft from Motor Vehicle
Good morning, We have received a recent report of a vehicle that was broken into in your area. This...

You are receiving this message because Police have been made aware that vehicles are being targeted ...

Increase in vehicle crime
Good morning, We are noticing an increase in reports of vehicle crime. Please ensure you lock yo...

Police cadet recruitment
Good morning, I have been asked to forward this message from Pendle police cadet coordinator John ...