The Police
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Shed Breaks - Ellerbeck Rd & Queenborough Rd

Hi Resident

There have been two breaks to sheds on Ellerbeck & two on Queensborough Road on Sunday night, overnight.     

This is thought to be by the same offender & whilst we do not have a specific time, we can give between 11pm & 7:45am.   

Can we ask if you have cctv to check it in case you can assist with enquiries.  Items stolen include  gas cylinders, strimmer & some power tools. 

Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity on 101 or 999 if you witness a crime in progress. 

We would also ask that you review your security measures and consider types of items that you have stored in sheds/outbuildings. 

Patrols, where possible, will be stepped up in the area. 





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Message Sent By
Suzanne Liddle
(Police, PCSO, Peel, Barnfield, Woodnook & Baxenden wards in Hyndburn)

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