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Joint drop-in with Fire Service

Neighbourhood officers at Longridge will be back at a drop-in session this month. This will be held on Thursday 27th March 2025 from 10am until 11am, at The Civic Hall, Longridge. These are for any advice on local issues or to provide us with information. As before, there is no appointment needed, but we just ask you be patient to be seen if there are a few people waiting. This will coincide with Market Day at The Civic, with their available refreshments, as well as local produce stalls.

We will be joined this month by Caroline, who work for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. Caroline can offer any home fire advice and also arrange for free home fire safety checks. This is particularly useful for older members of the community. If you cannot make the session and want some advice from Caroline, then please contact me directly. I can then pass your details on to LFRS, and they will contact you.  


PC Paddy Bowdich and PCSO Naz Patel


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Message Sent By
Paddy Bowdich
(Police, PC, Ribble Valley Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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