The Police
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Dear Resident

Dear Resident


There have been vehicle crimes in this area; some of them due to vehicles being left insecure. 


  • Ensure that you lock your vehicle and don’t leave items on display, including coins for parking. 
  • Remove coats, bags or other valuable equipment from view or lock them away in the boot. 
  • If you use a Sat Nav make sure you wipe any traces of it off your windows and do not leave it in the vehicle. 
  • If you have any information regarding these offences please contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101 or contact us directly at 



    Be vigilant; if you see any suspicious activity, report it immediately on 101. 

    If you witness a crime in progress, do not hesitate, call 999 immediately. 


    You may also report criminal activity anonymously

    call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.


    To report a crime on-line go to:  https://doitonline.lancashire.police.uk 


    To keep up to date about your area, sign up for free messages at:   http://www.stayintheknow.co.uk

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    Message Sent By
    David Render
    (Police, PC, EAST - Hyndburn)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials