The Police
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Reporting your concerns - Skelmersdale Police Surgery

Good evening!


PCSO Cooper and PC Cork from the Neighbourhood Policing Team spoke to local residents at our police surgery in the Ecumenical Centre today. 


Thank you to those that came and had a chat with us, we really enjoy speaking to different people and appreciate them sharing their concerns/ asking questions.


More police surgery and ‘coffee with a cop’ events are scheduled for next week and beyond, so be sure to pop by and keep an eye out for updates! (Updates can also be found on our Facebook page). 😊


Can't attend one of our events? No problem. - You can tell us your concerns by replying to this message. 


Stay safe,

Skelmersdale NPT

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Message Sent By
Aisha Cooper
(Lancashire Police, PCSO, South - West Lancashire)

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