The Police
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E Bike Seizure!

While out and about this afternoon, officers from Wyre NHPT have seen this E bike being ridden in an anti social manner along the pavement on the Esplanade, Fleetwood. The rider was stopped, reported for riding with no insurance and the bike seized.

Electric bikes known as Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPCs) can be used on the road as long as they meet certain requirements and the rider is at least 14 years old. EAPCs CANNOT be ridden on a pavement and must have pedals that can be used to propel it. Other electric bikes that do not meet the EAPC rules are classed as a motorcycle or moped and need to be registered, taxed and insured. You'll need a driving licence to ride one and must wear a crash helmet.

* E-scooter? License and insurance required for public use.

* Electric Assisted bike with pedals? Not a Motor Vehicle, so License and insurance NOT needed.

* Electric Bike NO Pedals? License and Insurance needed for public use.

PS Andy Hill of Wyre NHPT said "The manner in which these bikes are being ridden is putting the riders, passengers and other members of the public at unnecessary risk which can't be justified. Its important people understand the legalities of riding E bikes and scooters and the implications of riding them on public roads. Road safety is a key priority for Lancashire Constabulary and local partners and positive action will be taken when and where appropriate by officers."


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Message Sent By
Lucy Norcross
(Police, PCSO, Fleetwood)

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