The Police
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Reminder to report all incidents

Good afternoon Resident


Today, we have been made aware of multiple incidents of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage in the Mardale, Alston and Whittingham Rd areas of Longridge. 


Until today, we were unaware of these incidents as none of them have been reported to the Police. 


If you are the victim of or witness any incident it is important you call 999, 101 or report online via the Lancashire Police website. Unless we are notified, we are not aware the incidents have taken place and therefore cannot investigate or respond to reports. If you see something on Facebook, please encourage the victim to report it to the Police as posting on social media is not considered an official report and will not be investigated. We do not have access to the Longridge Facebook page so cannot view any posts.  


Your reports help build a picture of local issues and aide us in allocating time and resources to tackling said problems. 


Best wishes,

PCSO 7319 Ashleigh Marshall

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Message Sent By
Ashleigh Marshall
(Police, PCSO, Longridge)

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