Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Lancashire residents back Commissioner's policing plan

Lancashire residents have backed Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw’s proposed priorities for policing in Lancashire. The Commissioner shared the results from his recent survey with Lancashire’s Police and Crime Panel last week, demonstrating clear support from over 6,000 residents who shared their views on crime and policing in the county.

Over 85% of residents agree that tackling anti-social behaviour, building up neighbourhood policing, targeting serious and organised crime and ensuring an effective and efficient policing service should be a clear focus in the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire, alongside tackling violence against women and girls.

The survey also showed that 70% of residents feel safe where they live but that only 49.9% of residents have confidence in the police in their area, an issue that the Commissioner is planning to address through strong leadership and tough scrutiny of the force.

The feedback provided through the record number of survey responses – 6,156 in total – will now help the Commissioner to shape and finalise his Police and Crime Plan, the key document which sets of the strategic direction for policing in Lancashire. The Commissioner will use the plan to hold the Chief Constable to account for delivering against each of the priorities it sets out for the force and scrutinise progress in all areas.

Commissioner Grunshaw said: “As the public’s voice in policing it’s really important to me that the priorities I set for policing in Lancashire reflect the views of local residents and I want to thank everyone who took the time to respond to my survey.

“The responses clearly show what you, the people of Lancashire want to see. We need to continue and build on the crackdown on anti-social behaviour, we need to target organised crime gangs and related violent crime and we need to protect women and girls in our county.

“It is also clear that we need to build back neighbourhood policing and win back the public’s trust and confidence which have been damaged through year’s of austerity and high profile cases of officer misconduct at national level.

“I will use the feedback provided to finalise my Police and Crime Plan and I will hold the Chief Constable to account for delivering against the priorities within it and to ensure the highest standards within the Constabulary.

“Through strong leadership, tough scrutiny and by joining forces with partners across Lancashire, I will work with the Constabulary to ensure that residents across the county receive the policing service they expect and deserve, a policing service they can trust and rely on to keep Lancashire safe.”

The final Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire will be published in December 2024.

View survey data.

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Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner

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