The Police
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Vehicle Crime

Good afternoon all!


As some of you may know due to our heavy presence in the area, there has been an increase in vehicle crime within your area. We are asking for residents to remain vigilant and ensure that all valuables are kept out of cars as this individual is currently being deemed as an opportunist. Please take an extra second at the end of the day to check that your cars are 100% locked!


Finally, please can all residents which have CCTV check for anything suspicious between the hours of 4am-6am on the 1st & 2nd of October. If anything is found, don't hesitate to give me a call or email on the contact details below.


Thank you!

PCSO 7727 Eleanor Dermody


email - 7727@lancashire.police.uk

mobile - 07790 942917

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Message Sent By
Eleanor Dermody
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Blackburn Town Centre)

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