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Burglary alert

Dear Resident


Today we have had numerous reports of 2 suspicious hooded males having been picked up on CCTV / Ring doorbells in the early hours. The males are wearing dark clothing and carrying an item described as a machete, a claw hammer or a crow bar and have been seen in both Whalley and Billington.

The males are believed responsible for snapping a lock on Hayhurst Avenue in Whalley in an attempt to gain entry thankfully a working and set burglar alarm went off causing a neighbour to see them make off and call police unfortunately an area search didn't locate them. We have also had sightings of these males on driveways and trying door handles on Woodlands Drive, Whalley Road, Pasturelands Drive, and Weavers Croft. 


If your doorbell cam does activate in the middle of the night with activity of this nature please don't hesitate to call 999. I'm not sure what the target of these offenders is it could be vehicle keys or they could just be chancers out for whatever they can get but please as you lock up tonight triple check your home and vehicle security, set any alarms you may have and charge / replace any batteries in doorbell cams as you just never known who's out and about when we're all tucked up safe and warm.  


Due to the increased activity patrols will default to Whalley and Billington overnight.


Take care


PCSO Katie Ferguson




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Message Sent By
Katie Ferguson
(Police, PCSO, Ribble Valley NPT)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials