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Community Event at St Luke's Church

Good Evening, 


This week, St Luke's Church in Blackburn hosted some Summer Events for the youths around the Local Community.


This included a climbing wall, BBQ, games, crafts, community kitchen and exercise classes.


The weather was kind and the event was a success. 


Everyone who attended had lots of fun and Police Community Support Officers joined in, even using the climbing wall and making items out of clay and homemade bags.


Thank you for everyone who came and chatted to us and we look forward to joining in more events in the near future and discussing issues within the local area. 


Those who would like to join in future events, get yourselves down to the Church as they have plenty of activities and work very well within the Community. 


Kind Regards 

PCSO 7752 Shires 


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Message Sent By
Kirsty Shires
(Police, PCSO, EAST - Blackburn South West NPT)

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