The Police
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Crime Figures Barrow, Wiswell & Pendleton Wards June 2024

Dear Resident


Please find below crime figures for June for your ward areas.  For all areas, there were 26 incidents in total, many of these are not crime related ( which is why the figures below won't add up).  I've included a few incidents that I don't usually include, just to spice things up a little



Anti social behaviour - 4, including children fighting and an anti social vehicle.

Drugs - 2 reports.

Suspicious circumstances - 1, drug related.

Theft - 1.



4 logs in total - 1 report of phishing scam; 1 motorbike reported for driving without due care and attention and 2 logs relating to the fatal RTC on Whalley Road (which apparently comes under Pendleton)



1 report of cows in the road!


As ever, if you have any issues or would like to discuss anything, I can be contacted by return.  Failing that, I shall hopefully be attending the Parish Council Meetings at Wiswell and Barrow.


PCSO 7530 Ailsa Gill & PCSO 7520 Frazer Pearce.

Clitheroe & Barrow NPT.

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Message Sent By
Ailsa Gill
(Lancashire Police, PCSO, Clitheroe)

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