The Police
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Vehicle Crime

Vehicle crime is an ongoing issue in the area, I just want to offer some advice, that may help prevent anything like this happening to you! I will list various things you can consider, some cheap some expensive:



Faraday pouch/box - Prevents criminal from get the signal from your key and tricking your car into thinking the key is inside the car and starting - (Keyless cars only)

Steering / Disc Lock - Visual deterrent, criminal will most likely want a quick and easy target, having these will prolong/prevent the process of taking your vehicle.

Driveway Bollards - Costly but prevents your car driving away from your drive.

Ghost Immobiliser - Getting this installed in your car can also be expensive but are effective, as a code (a sequence of button inputs) decided by you will be required before the car will start.

Wheel Clamps - Self explanatory really, another visual deterrent.

Lighting and CCTV - Having a well lit area covered by CCTV may provide opportunities to identify offenders. Furthermore, CCTV doesn't need to be expensive you can buy cheap CCTV camera to put on window sills that does the same job as an expensive setup.

Double check your car is locked - May seem obvious but you'll be surprised how often people leave their vehicle unlocked.

Keep an eye out for each other and report any suspicious activity you see to either 101, online reporting, Accrington front desk or reply to this message which goes to me!


Thank you for your continued support.

PCSO 7893 Frost

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Message Sent By
Rosie Frost
(Police , PCSO, Hyndburn )

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials