The Police
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Burglary in your area: Op Defender


I am just making you aware that there has been a recent burglary on Northgate. It happened some time between 11am and 11.45am on Friday 12th April while the victim was out of the house. The back patio door has been smashed and entry gained to the property. The offenders have searched the property and taken jewelry and cash. My colleagues are currently working hard on the investigation

This is a good opportunity to remind you that there are a number of ways you can keep your home safe.  Always keep your doors and windows locked and try not to leave any valuables on show. Having some sort of CCTV/Ring Doorbell is also a deterrent.  A lot of burglaries are opportunistic where the offender tries their luck hoping to find an insecure property. Keeping valuables out of sight and doors locked should help deter anyone thinking of committing a crime.


You can report any suspicious activity on 101 or call 999 in an emergency if you need to


PCSO Laura

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Message Sent By
Laura Cooper
(Police, PCSO, Blackpool North )

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials