The Police
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Vehicle Crime - Ramsey Avenue

Good evening, dear residents

Please be aware that a vehicle has been broken into in your area -  Ramsey Avenue.

The brief circumstances are, that unknown offender/s make onto residential street and gain entry to insecure vehicle, searching interior and taking some items from inside, making off with the same in unknown direction.

This is just a friendly reminder to make sure that  you keep your vehicle locked and always double-check that is has locked properly. Please, never leave any valuables in your vehicle overnight, and make sure car keys are kept on your person or in a safe place/car key signal blocker pouch. 

This message isn't intended to cause any worry and is just to remind you to be extra vigilant in keeping you and your car safe and secure.

Please, report any suspicious activity to us on 101, or online at lancashire.police.uk/doitonline or if a crime is in progress please dial 999.

Kind regards,
Your Neighbourhood Policing Team

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Message Sent By
Stefan Antonov
(Police, PCSO, Blackpool North)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials