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Crime Figures St Marys Ward February 2024

Dear Resident


Below are the crime figures for St Mary's Ward for February 2024. 


Anti social behaviour - 4.

Crime related incidents - 6.  These include :-

  criminal damage - 1.

  road related offence - 1 - vehicle with no tax, insurance or MOT.

  suspicious circumstances - 8.  4 incidents of (different) suspicious males; 1 neighbour issue; 1 mental health related incident; 1 male taking photos and 1 suspicious letter.

  assault - 3.


On a positive note, compared with January, crime in February has halved throughout the Ribble Valley.  Crimes that affect the majority of people the most, such as vehicle interference, burglary and shop lifting is down significantly.  


As ever, if you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to contact me.


PCSO 7530 Ailsa Gill.





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Ailsa Gill
(Lancashire Police, PCSO, Clitheroe)

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