The Police
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Vehicle Crime In Your Area

Afternoon Resident


You're receiving this email to inform you about recent criminal activity within your area. On the 25th September 2024 during the early hours of the morning numerous vehicles were targeted, in the area, by an unknown male. Resulting in a vehicle being stolen on WAVERLEY ROAD.


I am requesting for anyone with CCTV that covers the area to please review their footage for any suspicious activity.


If you have any information that may assist us identifying the offender(s), please reply to this message or call 101 quoting LC-20240925-0220. 


We have only received 1 report of vehicle crime on this evening and have noticed numerous victims of crime have come forward on local social media groups. Please can we request any victims or witnesses of crime to come forward and report to us using the link below: 

Home - Lancashire Constabulary - Report Online


Double check your vehicle is locked and all valuables have been removed, the offender(s) are opportunists so do not give them a reason to target yourself!

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Message Sent By
Nelly Bapu
(Police, PC, Hyndburn)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials